Production environment

IRMA will be installed on physical servers.


  • One or multiple 64-bit Debian 9 servers.

1. Prep servers

Create an account for ansible provisioning, or use one which has already been created. To speed up provisioning, you can:

  • Authorize your SSH key for password-less authentication (optional):
*On your local machine*
$ ssh-copy-id user@hostname # -i if you want to select your identity file
  • If you don’t want to have to type your password for sudo command execution, add your user to sudoers, using visudo command (optional):

2. Configure the installation

Modify ansible extra_vars especially the provisioning_ssh_key section, you’ll need to add private keys from user for password-less connection to the default IRMA server user.


Be careful, you’ll need to change all passwords from this configuration files (password variables for most of them).

You’ll need to create a configuration file and adapt it to your infrastructure.