Software requirements

  • Ansible; You can see the requirement version of ansible in ansible/requirements.txt

Hardware requirements

The IRMA platform is divided in three major components: the Frontend, the Brain and one or multiple Probes.

These three components can be installed on a unique host or on multiple hosts, according to the kind of probes that are being used.

The Frontend and the Brain must be installed on a GNU/Linux system [1]. Quarkslab recommends using a Debian Stable distribution which is supported and known to work.

According to the kind of probes and their dependencies, each analyzers can be installed on a separate hosts or share the same host as far as they do not interfere with each other [2]. Currently, only Debian Stable and Microsoft Windows 8 and 10 hosts have been tested.

Quarkslab does not provide any estimates regarding performance. However, the following configuration is known to provide reasonable performance for small deployments:

whole IRMA platform on a single machine by hosting it with multiple systems inside virtual machines: this setup gives fairly high throughput as long as it has reasonable IO (ideally, SSDs), and a good amount of memory (test setup was an i7 cpu with 16 GB ram on regular drives (at least 200 GB required),

For larger deployments, the following configuration is known to work: a single high-memory machine, with 16+ cores, and SSDs, could run IRMA platform and bear the workload load with reasonable response time.


[1]Theorically, it should be possible, with some efforts, to make IRMA work on Microsoft Windows systems as most of the components used for the platform are known to work or to have equivalents on these systems.
[2]For instance, we managed to host several GNU/Linux anti-viruses on an unique probe by preventing it to launch daemons at startup. This is difficult for Microsoft systems on which it is not recommended to install multiple anti-viruses on a single host.
[3]with a limited set of probes