Adding a new probe

Writing a Plugin for the probe


To be a valid probe module, IRMA expects it to have a predefined structure. To save time, one can get a minimal working structure from the skeleton plugin. The new plugin is stored in the appropriate sub-directory of the directory probe/modules according to the type of the new probe (antivirus, metadata, external…).

For a probe that is not a antivirus

1. Copy the directory skeleton to the new module (appropriate localisation). Example with a module my_module with metadata type :

$ cp -r probe/modules/custom/skeleton/ probe/modules/metadata/my_module
  1. If there are packages to install, specify them in the file requirements.txt. Otherwise remove the file
  2. Adjust the file according to the module :
  • Adjust the class’s name with the name of your probe
  • Fill in the fields of the class :- _plugin_name_ = [the plugin name]
    • _plugin_display_name_ = [the field _name of the class of the probe]
    • _plugin_version_ = [the version number]
    • _plugin_category = [the type of the probe: IrmaProbeType.]
    • _plugin_description = [uick description]
    • _plugin_dependencies = [list of dependencies: platform, binary or/and file] => if used import from lib.plugins PlatformDependency, BinaryDependency or/and FileDependency
    • _mimetype_regexp = [mimetype corresponding]
  1. Implement the functions corresponding to the type of the plugin

For an antivirus

In the case of an antivirus, it is a little different because an Antivirus class was created to avoid code’s duplication. You can use the skeleton below:

# Copyright (c) 2013-2018 Quarkslab.
# This file is part of IRMA project.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License in the top-level directory
# of this distribution and at:
# No part of the project, including this file, may be copied,
# modified, propagated, or distributed except according to the
# terms contained in the LICENSE file.

from .skeleton import Skeleton

from ..interface import AntivirusPluginInterface
from irma.common.plugins import PluginMetaClass

class SkeletonPlugin(AntivirusPluginInterface, metaclass=PluginMetaClass):

    # =================
    #  plugin metadata
    # =================
    _plugin_name_ = "Skeleton"
    _plugin_display_name_ = Skeleton._name
    _plugin_author_ = "IRMA (c) Quarkslab"
    _plugin_version_ = "1.0.0"
    _plugin_category_ = "custom"
    _plugin_description_ = "Plugin skeleton"
    _plugin_dependencies_ = []
    _mimetype_regexp = None

    # ================
    #  interface data
    # ================

    module_cls = Skeleton

    # If needed, overload the `verify` classmethod in order to check your class
    # is instanciable. It should return if everything is alright, otherwise
    # raise an exception. By default it checks that the module's attribute
    # `self.scan_path` is an existing file (cf. `super()._chk_scanpath`)
    # @classmethod
    # def verify(cls):
    #     pass

The metaclass PluginMetaClass handles the registering of the plugin to a plugin manager. It also checks that the class is instanciable thanks to the verify method.

# Copyright (c) 2013-2018 Quarkslab.
# This file is part of IRMA project.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License in the top-level directory
# of this distribution and at:
# No part of the project, including this file, may be copied,
# modified, propagated, or distributed except according to the
# terms contained in the LICENSE file.

import logging

# Choose the class you need to inherit from
from modules.antivirus.base import AntivirusUnix, AntivirusWindows

log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

# Inhererit from AntivirusUnix or AntivirusWindows according to your plateform
class Skeleton(Antivirus):
    name = "Skeleton for Antivirus"

    # ==================================
    #  Constructor and destructor stuff
    # ==================================

    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
        # class super class constructor
        super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)

        # do your initialization stuff

The recipe is the same, the files with the corresponding module name and differents fields need to be updated. The attributes in Antivirus._attributes are meant to be defined by the instanciation. One can either:

  • leave it blank, in this case the super class will assign it a default value (eg. "unavailable" for self.version);
  • define it directly (eg. self.scan_path = Path("/opt/skeleton/skeleton"));
  • define a function to be called to assign it (eg. def get_scan_path(self): ...), the super class will take care of calling it and handling exceptions.

Testing the new plugin

Before testing, module’s necessary stuff (binaries, files, etc) must be provisioned to the VM.

$ cd ansible
$ vagrant rsync
$ vagrant ssh
$ sudo su deploy
$ cd /opt/irma/irma-probe/current
$ venv/bin/python -m

This last command lists available modules.

Now, if the new module is available, its launching can be done:

$ venv/bin/python -m my_module file

Automatic provisioning

Creating a new role

Create a new directory with this structure:

cd ansible
tree roles/quarsklab.my_module
+-- defaults
|   +-- main.yml
+-- tasks
    +-- main.yml

tasks/main.yml is the default entry point for a role containing Ansible tasks. In this file, write the instruction to install the module. Add the file tasks/update.yml to write the informations for the update if necessary. In defaults/main.yml it is usual to store default variables for this role. If there are particular instructions, for example how to obtain a licence for a antivirus, add a README file.

Invoking the module role

Modify playbooks/provisioning.yml : add the module

-name : my_module
 hosts: my_module
 - { role: quarkslab.my_module, tags: 'my_module'}

If a task update was defined, add the module in playbooks/updating.yml :

-name : my_module
 hosts: my_module
 - { role: quarkslab.module, tags: 'my_module', task_from : update}

Defining hosts

Modify the environment to add the new probe.

For example for the allinone_dev :

$ cat environments/allinone_dev.yml
[ ... snip ... ]
      - brain.irma
      - brain.irma
      - clamav
      - comodo
      - mcafee
      - static-analyzer
      - virustotal
      - my_module