Brain configuration


The configuration file is located at config/brain.ini in the installation directory. Update it with your specific info.


Detailed meaning of each field in config/brain.ini:

Section Key Type Default Description
log syslog integer 0 enable rsyslog (experimental)
prefix string irma-brain: prefix to append to rsyslog entries
debug boolean False | enable Debug log
sql_debug boolean False | enable SQL debug log
celery_options concurrency integer 0 number of concurrent workers (0 means nb of cores)
soft_time_limit integer 300 (sec) time limit before task soft interrupt
time_limit integer 1500 (sec) time limit before task is killed
broker_brain host string   hostname for the RabbitMQ server
port integer 5672 port for the RabbitMQ server
vhost string   virtual host configured for brain
username string   username used for brain on the RabbitMQ server
password string   password used for brain on the RabbitMQ server
queue string   queue to poll new tasks on the RabbitMQ server
broker_probe host string   hostname for the RabbitMQ server
port integer 5672 port for the RabbitMQ server
vhost string   virtual host configured for probes
username string   username used for probes on the RabbitMQ server
password string   password used for probes on the RabbitMQ server
queue string   queue to poll new tasks on the RabbitMQ server
broker_frontend host string   hostname for the RabbitMQ server
port integer 5672 port for the RabbitMQ server
vhost string   virtual host configured for frontend
username string   username used for frontend on the RabbitMQ server
password string   password used for frontend on the RabbitMQ server
queue string   queue to poll new tasks on the RabbitMQ server
sqldb dbms string sqlite dbapi engine
dialect string   sqlalchemy dialect
username string   database username
password string   database password
host string   database host
dbname string /var/irma/ db/brain.db database name
tables_prefix string   database tables prefix
ftp protocol string “sftp” choose File Transfer Protocol (“sftp” or “ftps”)
ftp_brain host string   hostname for the FTP server
port integer 21 port for the FTP server
auth string “password”| SFTP authentication method (“password” or “key”)
key_path string
sftp private key absolute path
username string
username used by probe on the FTP server
password string   password used by the probe on the FTP server
interprocess _lock path string /var/run/ lock/irma- brain.lock Concurrency file lock
ssl_config activate_ssl boolean False Enable RabbitMQ ssl
ca_certs string   RabbitMQ SSL certs
keyfile string   RabbitMQ SSL keyfile
certfile string   RabbitMQ SSL certfile

Generate a SQLite database for scan tracking

You could easily generate the user database by running the following command. The path of the database is taken from the configuration file and the folder where the database is going to be stored must be created beforehand.


The default path for the database is /var/irma/db/ make sure it exists before creating user database.

$ cd /opt/irma/irma-brain/current/
$ ./venv/bin/python -m scripts.create_user
usage: create_user <username> <rmqvhost> <ftpuser>
      with <username> a string
           <rmqvhost> the rmqvhost used for the frontend
           <ftpuser> the ftpuser used by the frontend
example: create_user test1 mqfrontend frontend

To create an entry in the database for the frontend named frontend and which uses the mqfrontend virtual host on the RabbitMQ server, simply run the following commands:

$ ./venv/bin/python -m scripts.create_user frontend mqfrontend frontend


There is a limitation due to SQLite. The folder where the database is stored, plus the database file must be writable by the user running the worker:

$ sudo chown irma:irma /var/irma/db/brain.db
$ sudo chmod a+w /opt/irma/irma-brain